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What is an “administrative license action” in an Alaska DUI?

While many in Anchorage speak Spanish, Mandarin, German or Arabic or some other language in addition to English, few are fluent in the sometimes confusing legalese. The dictionary defines legalese as “the formal and technical language of legal documents that is often hard to understand.”

One example of a phrase that is not immediately understood can be found on the Alaska Department of Motor Vehicles website: administrative license action. The DMV says that if you’re “arrested for a DUI you would face criminal prosecution and administrative license action.” The state agency says it “must revoke or disqualify” your driver’s license if you’re arrested for drunk driving or drugged driving.

The DMV says your license will be revoked under certain circumstances, including:

  • If your BAC (blood alcohol content) is tested at or above the Alaska legal limit of .08 percent
  • If your BAC is tested at .04 percent or above while you’re driving a commercial vehicle
  • If you refuse to submit to a breath, urine or blood test to determine your BAC

The DMV says that “administrative license action” varies in length:

  • 90 days: first offense
  • One year: if you have a prior DUI conviction or test refusal
  • Three years: if you have two prior DUI convictions or refusals
  • Five years: if you have three or more prior DUI convictions or test refusals

For those driving commercial vehicles, the revocation/disqualification can range from one year to a lifetime revocation, depending on the circumstances of the offense.

Clearly, these harsh punishments can have adverse effects on careers, educational pursuits, family life and more. Contact an Anchorage attorney experienced in DUI defense to discuss your legal options.

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