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Many drunk drivers are arrested nearby the Alaska State Fair

The Alaska State Fair ran from August 22 to Sept. 3 this year. Many who attended this year’s event won’t remember eating their first elephant ear, taking a ride on the Ferris wheel or catching their favorite singer on stage though. They’ll instead remember being arrested for driving under the influence.

It’s during the nearly two weeks that the fair was in town here in Anchorage that law enforcement agencies stepped up their patrol of the area in and around the fairgrounds. They arrested 12 individuals for drunk driving along Glenn Highway during just the first five days of the fair. This is more than six times the two-per-week average police generally see in that same area.

Police departments participating in this enhanced patrol were able to successfully roll out this operation due in large part to receiving an Alaska Highway Safety Office grant.

The law enforcement agencies publicly announced their plans to step up their patrol of the highway that runs between Mat-Su and Anchorage before it began. They warned residents to make alternate plans for getting home if they planned to drink alcohol at their fair. Many individuals didn’t seem to heed their warning though.

Among the arrestees the first week of the operation, there was one man who was taken into custody on both weapons and drunk driving charges.

There were two other men who police suspect were driving under the influence of alcohol while their kids were riding in their cars. They both face child endangerment and other charges.

Many of the motorists stopped were speeding at a rate far greater than the posted 65 miles per hour speed limit.

Individuals who are charged with drunk driving in Alaska automatically lose their driving privileges. If they’re lucky, a judge may give them an ability to drive themselves to and from work or to their doctor’s or attorney’s office.

If you’re convicted of a DUI, then you may lose your commercial driver’s or any professional license that you have. It may affect your ability to retain custody of your kids. It can impact your life in other long-term ways as well.

A drunk driving defense attorney will let you know of your rights and provide you with guidance as to how you should proceed in your Anchorage criminal case.

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