Law enforcement departments in Alaska and throughout the nation use ignition interlocks to minimize the occurrence of DUIs. Interlock devices give people who have been convicted of a DUI, a method of transportation, even while their driver’s licenses are suspended.
If you have been convicted of a DUI in Alaska, ignition interlock devices may help you avoid receiving a second offense. According to Alaska public courts, the state requires all convicted DUI offenders, even first-time offenders, to install ignition interlock devices in their vehicles. While it may seem like a punishment, the device may actually help you stay safe and protect others on the road.
How do interlock devices work?
Once the device is installed directly into the vehicle’s ignition system, it will prompt the driver to blow into a tube connected to a dashboard monitor. The machine determines the driver’s blood alcohol level, and if it is over the preset limit, the car will lock up. The driver must wait for a period of time before he or she can attempt another startup.
Periodically during the drive, the car will signal the driver to submit more breath samples. If alcohol is detected at any point, the car will begin to slow down before it comes to a complete stop.
What you should know
Interlock devices must be installed by an authorized company. Furthermore, the driver is responsible for any costs associated with the device, including installation cost, repair and monitoring appointments.
During maintenance appointments, which must be scheduled every 90 days, the technician:
- Performs any routine maintenance the device requires
- Looks for any evidence of tampering or violation
- Downloads information, such as startup attempts, BAC readings and lockouts.
Keep in mind that any tampering or violation of the ignition interlock agreement could result in further penalties.