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Is Anchorage felony DUI court an option for you?

On Behalf of | Sep 28, 2020 | DUI

If you face felony DUI charges in Alaska, a conviction will result in prison time, fines and license suspension. If you struggle with substance use, seeking treatment through the Anchorage felony DUI court program could qualify you for reduced charges.

Learn more about eligibility and program requirements for this state DUI diversion program.

Qualifying for DUI court

To enroll in DUI court, you must:

  • Face felony DUI charges or a third DUI conviction in Alaska
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Not have an indictment for the current charge
  • Have participated in a diversion program no more than once before
  • Have no history of homicide, drug distribution or class A felony charges
  • Live in Anchorage while you complete the program
  • Pay for the required program costs on a sliding scale

Completing the program

Anchorage DUI court lasts 18 months, during which you will work with a case manager to achieve a sober, crime-free lifestyle. You must undergo an assessment for substance use disorder and the indicated treatment, including referrals for mental, physical or behavioral health care. Other program requirements include regular drug and alcohol screenings, structured activities, therapy, and recovery meetings. Some attendees must attend job training or vocational courses.

If you want to enroll in the drug court program, your attorney can help you apply or you can contact the district attorney’s office. You can also observe a drug court session without an obligation to enroll. If you successfully complete treatment, you can qualify for reduced fines, reduced jail time, and available supplemental services such as housing, job placement and financial assistance.

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