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Can you keep violent tendencies from destroying your life?

Domestic violence can ruin your relationship and cause a lot of people to lose respect for you. Depending on your circumstances, allegations against you may impact your job and prevent you from returning to your residence.

Having a trustworthy defense attorney may help you to lessen the impact of your choices on your future. Taking responsibility for your actions can also help you to maintain control over your life.

Know the consequences

Consequences for domestic violence vary depending on circumstances including severity of the assault, whether or not minors witnessed the incident, the conditions of the victims and evidence collected. Knowing your legal limitations can help you prevent further consequences.

If the person you assaulted files for an order of protection against you, the law may prevent you from contacting that person or residing together. According to the Alaska Department of Public Safety, if you commit a domestic assault, the law also prohibits you from possessing a firearm or ammunition unless you petition for a pardon and the courts grant your request. If you have questions about what you can and cannot do, speak with your attorney for clarification.

Identify your goals

As you prepare to take legal responsibility for your actions, you should pay particular attention to your behavior. Consider your options for treatment, such as participating in an anger management program. Rehabilitative therapies may also improve your ability to manage triggers, respond to conflict and control your temper. Think about the goals you have for your future. Perhaps you wish to amend relationships, improve your education and rebuild your reputation.

Identifying your goals and doing your part to satisfy the demands of justice may help you keep control of what is most important to you. With a proactive mindset and the right support, your mistakes do not have to dictate your future.

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