The Law Office Of Joshua P. Fink LLC
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Felony V. Misdemeanor OUI Charges

If you know only one thing about the drunk driving charges you or a loved one faces, it’s that they shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Alaska has tough criminal and administrative penalties for those convicted of drunk driving charges, which include operating under the influence(OUI) and driving under the influence (DUI). While the specific penalties in your case will depend on the circumstances of your arrest and the presence of a criminal record, it is important that you get legal help from a lawyer specifically trained in DUI law and with the negotiation and trial experience you need to stand up to prosecutors.

In addition to gaining significant trial experience as a public defender, attorney Joshua P. Fink completed a summer training session of the National College for DUI Defense, where he obtained advanced training in DUI topics like field sobriety testing.

For a simple first-time misdemeanor OUI conviction, penalties can include:

  • 72 hours in jail minimum
  • At least $1,500 in fines
  • Minimum 90-day driver’s license suspension

That’s only the beginning. For repeat offenders, the penalties quickly increase to as much as:

  • One year minimum of jail time
  • Minimum $7,000 in fines

Courts also have authority to impose additional discretionary penalties; these can include:

  • Paying for any damage caused by a drunk driving offense
  • Completion of a driver improvement course
  • Community service
  • Vehicle forfeiture
  • Probation

Felony DUI charges come into play when someone has at least two drunk driving convictions on his or her record (in any state) within 10 years of the current charges. In these cases, penalties can include:

  • Minimum 120-day (third offense) or one-year (fifth or more offense) jail sentences
  • Minimum $10,000 in fines
  • Permanent driver’s license revocation
  • Vehicle forfeiture
  • Assessment for and completion of drug and alcohol treatment programs

What’s more? In felony DUI cases, courts cannot completely suspend sentences, meaning that if you’re convicted of felony drunk driving in Alaska, you will go to jail and will be ordered to pay potentially crippling fines.

Additional administrative penalties — driver’s license suspension, to be exact — can be assessed if you refused to submit to sobriety testing at the time of arrest. Even for someone facing criminal charges, these administrative penalties should not be taken lightly.

Contact Joshua P. Fink LLC Now | Free Consultation Available

For a free consultation with our attorney, send an email or call our Anchorage office at 800-657-1136. We offer military discounts.