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The importance of obeying a protective order

If you are in possession of a domestic violence protective order, there are certain things you are unable to do. Following this order is imperative, as there are penalties for violating it.

There are different types of protective orders. All of them have somewhat similar restrictions on activities, but they last for different time periods.

Types of protective orders

According to the Alaska Bar Association Alaska Youth Law Guide, the three types of protective orders are:

  • Emergency – In rare circumstances, a judge may issue an emergency order. This gives the victim 72 hours of protection, and law enforcement does not need to tell the accused abuser about the order.
  • Ex-parte – This is a more normal route, and a petitioner requests a protective order from a judge, which prohibits the respondent from interacting with the petitioner for 20 days.
  • Long-term – With a long-term order, the respondent gets the chance to appear before the judge and state his or her case. If the judge feels there is enough evidence to show there was domestic violence, the protective order can last for up to one year.

Behaviors and activities an order prohibits

The prohibited activity outlined in the protective order varies based on the type of order. FindLaw discusses examples of what the order may outline. It may prohibit communication or other interactions with the petitioner, give temporary child custody to the petitioner, forbid the use of controlled substances, make the respondent move out of the family home, prohibit firearm use or prohibit threats of violence.

Penalties for violating the order

If the respondent violates the order for any reason, there are penalties. They may include fines and even jail time.

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