Running a car does not come cheap. One of the principal costs you need to set money aside for each month is your vehicle insurance. Driving without it is illegal and could make things much worse for you and anyone you collide with. If you want to keep your premiums...
Can you tell how drunk you are?
“I’m not as drunk as I think you are,” is an old joke that’s played for laughs – but it’s no laughing matter when someone ends up behind the wheel of their car while inebriated. Yet, the old joke hides a little truth: People inherently tend to gauge their own...
It’s difficult to accurately judge your own impairment
Drinking and driving is illegal, but many people will still decide to drive if they’ve only had a little bit to drink. They don’t think that they are very impaired or intoxicated. Maybe they just had a drink with dinner, or maybe it’s been an hour since they had the...
Is jail time mandatory after an Alaska DUI?
Driving under the influence is a serious offense with severe consequences. Many people wonder if jail time is mandatory after a drunk driving conviction in Alaska. The state has strict laws regarding DUI to discourage and punish such behavior. First-time offenders...
Can you get a DUI on prescription medication?
Driving under the influence (DUI) charges are commonly associated with alcohol and illegal drugs – but did you know that you can end up facing charges over your use of prescription (and even non-prescription) medications? DUI laws, including those in Alaska, are...
Is it easy to lose your driver’s license due to DUI in Alaska?
In Alaska, the legal blood alcohol concentration limit for drivers is 0.08%. If you operate a motor vehicle and have a BAC of 0.08% or higher, you could face DUI charges. These charges can lead to the loss of your driver's license, among other penalties such as fines...
Don’t risk the ride: Understanding Alaska’s strict DUI laws
Alaska, known for its stunning landscapes and adventurous spirit, takes a firm stance against drunk driving. The state enforces some of the strictest DUI laws in the United States, with consequences that extend beyond typical expectations. Alaska has a blood alcohol...
Do not accidentally make it appear that you were “in control” of your car
When people generally think about getting a DUI, they assume they would be driving their car when they get pulled over by the police. Maybe they made a mistake like swerving in their lane, running a stop sign or causing a car accident. But they were clearly driving...
Do you have to tell your boss about your DUI arrest?
A DUI arrest may be something you want to put behind you as soon as you’re released from custody. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. A DUI comes with serious and far-reaching consequences. The most immediate one is usually a suspension of your driver’s license....
Types of evidence in OUI cases and how you can challenge them
In Alaska, operating under the influence is a serious offense. Evidence plays an important role in OUI cases. Understanding the types of evidence and how defendants can challenge them is necessary for those facing such charges. Breath tests One common form of evidence...