While many in Anchorage speak Spanish, Mandarin, German or Arabic or some other language in addition to English, few are fluent in the sometimes confusing legalese. The dictionary defines legalese as “the formal and technical language of legal documents that is...
Welcome To Our Blog
We established this blog to share stories and information about topics relevant to our practice. Our intent is to regularly provide posts highlighting legal issues of local, state and national interest that we think you will find interesting. Check back later for...
What is criminal “assault” in Alaska, and what are its penalties?
Many Alaskan residents in Anchorage and elsewhere might reasonably find state law regarding criminal assault to be a bit baffling. One in-depth overview of criminal assault in Alaska duly notes why that might be the case. It underscores that Alaskan statutory law...
A night out could lead to disorderly conduct charges
Many people like to go out with their friends on the weekend or for a special occasion just to let off some steam and have a good time. Though nights at home can certainly be enjoyable, you and many others want to get out of the house in order to relax. Unfortunately,...