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How serious is a repeat DUI offense in Alaska?

On Behalf of | Aug 11, 2022 | DUI

The state of Alaska takes Driving Under the Influence offenses very seriously, especially if you are a repeat offender. While first offenders certainly do not get off easily, repeat offenders face stiff fines and penalties that will make their life very difficult.

If you have a repeat DUI offense, you should take the charges seriously and prepare to defend yourself in court.

What are the penalties for DUI in Alaska?

The penalties for DUI are steep in Alaska and increase with every consecutive offense. This is a list of the minimum penalties for DUI offenses; actual penalties may be higher. Every offender must install and use an ignition interlock device.

  • First Offense: 72 hours in prison; $1500 fine; license revoked for 90 days
  • Second Offense: 20 days in prison; $3000 fine; license revoked for one year
  • Third Offense in 15 years: 60 days in prison; $4000 fine; license revoked for 3 years
  • Third Offense in 10 years: 120 days in prison; $10,000 fine; license permanently revoked
  • Fourth Offense in 15 years: 120 days in prison; %5000 fine; license revoked for 5 years
  • Fourth Offense in 10 years: 360 days in prison; $10,000 fine; license permanently revoked
  • Fifth Offense in 15 years: 360 days in prison; $7000 fine; license revoked for 5 years
  • Fifth Offense in 10 years: 360 days in prison; $10,000 fine; license permanently revoked

Can you defend yourself against a DUI charge?

You can defend yourself against DUI charges in Alaska. Possible defenses include unlawful stop, procedural mistakes or faulty equipment.

You owe it to yourself to provide a vigorous defense against DUI charges in court to avoid severe penalties that can negatively impact your life.

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